CoNurse in Ukraine

Given the difficult situation that Ukraine is currently going through, we want to give all our support to the Ukrainians. Many EdTech Estonia companies are providing their services for free to Ukrainians. We are happy to announce that we have finished creating first aid instructional material for CoNure application! The aim of the guidelines is to give everyone the basic knowledge on how to help victims in a critical situation, starting from wound dressing and ending with resuscitation. Today, people in  are fighting for their lives and their country. The war is impacting thousands of innocent people who are getting hurt every day. All the new content is available in Ukrainian and free of charge for everyone. We are standing with Ukraine! We would like to say a special thank you to Margit Pärn without whom this wouldn’t have been possible. We also thank her children who helped us create those amazing instructional videos! See how to access the free content from here: CoNurse_instructions
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